Jaden Smith Went to Prom as Batman

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It's prom season, which means across the country, teens are suiting up for (what they think will be) the best night of their young lives. Jaden Smith, who decided to partake in the past time, obviously had different ideas about the exact definition of the term "suiting up," taking the concept to superheroic levels. Though, at this point, even an all-white Batman costume isn't all that unexpected from the 16-year-old child star.
This actually isn't the first occasion where we've seen Smith wear this costume, the first being in the front row at Kimye's wedding. (Which, yes, lead to some incredible paparazzi photos.) This time around, he ditched the mask and actually added a traditional suit jacket and tie, grounding the look in the as familiar as you could possibly hope for while wearing a damn chest plate.
jadenwhite_0001_Screen Shot 2015-05-18 at 11.55.05 AM.jpgIt's easy to call him out for trolling, but we're actually fully into his bold choices, whether they're going to prom as batman or sporting a dress on a regular school day. At the end of the day, whether you're the son of one of Hollywood's biggest actors or are just a regular kid from suburbia, prom is supposed to be fun, right?


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