Oprah & Deepak/Tip of the day: The gift of Mediation


March 5,2013
Being a life skills coach and counselor for years I have worked with various different types of people from all walks of life. My clients range from abusers, people that suffer from some form of addiction, to incest survivors. My heart has been open to many things and many experiences. But, my heart is still having compassion for the hearts of the broken. I am sure that I would have not chosen this if I knew the pain that I would see and experience over the years, but somehow it this (career) chose me.  I have been blessed to have so many great relationships with my clients and their families. I am humble to keep secrets for people that they have in trust me with over the years. During many sessions I have shared secrets to reduce stress and depression.  That secret is mediation.

One of the tips that I would like to share is the gift of mediation. This simple thing is one of the things that I have shared for years with my clients. And I would like to share this with my fans and viewers. During this hard time of pain and suffering you need something that will connect you with some form of peace. Mental health is real and most people do not take care of your mental health and therefore you go into depression or let stress rip your life apart. Life is hard and even horrible for many, but with mediation you can find some type of piece and focus and restore your life and build some form of reconciliation to a better you. Please join me has I work with Oprah as we do a 21 day mediate fast. Join me and Oprah and many on March 11 for a transformational three-week guided meditation journey toward the triad of whole wellness—mind, body, and spirit. In our interactive online program, we invite you to meditate and journal with us each day to embrace the vision of your best self, expand your understanding of your miraculous body, and achieve greater balance and wellbeing.


We encourage you to register now for our all-new 21-Day Meditation Challenge—Perfect Health. It’s free to participate and we will be your guides each day as together we discover how to recognize our body’s natural perfection and leverage its inherent wisdom.


Please give yourself this gift with infinite benefits and sign up today. We look forward to an amazing three weeks together!


Denise Young

Editor, Life Skills Coach and Counselor



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